Your search returned 338 results.
Interview - TODAY Show
SUBJECTS: Labor’s 3 Day Early Education Guarantee; Universal Early Education and Care; Antisemitism
Doorstop - Sydney
SUBJECTS: 15 per cent pay rise for early educators; Cheaper Child Care
Doorstop - Parliament House
SUBJECTS: Education reforms passing the Parliament; 15 per cent pay rise for early educators; Public school funding; Wiping $3 billion of student debt; Cheaper Child Care; Middle East; Social media…
Interview - Today Show
SUBJECTS: Cutting $3 billion in student debt for 3 million Australians; Social media legislation; Nottin’ under Dutton.
Interview - ABC North Queensland
SUBJECTS: Impacts of international student caps on regional universities, Coalition’s vote against the bill to restrict international students, James Cook University
Transcript - Press conference
SUBJECTS: Funding for ACT schools; Commonwealth Teaching Scholarships; Paid Prac; Peter Dutton backflipping on international student limits; social media reforms.
Transcript - Doorstop
SUBJECTS: Peter Dutton backflipping on international student limits
Interview - 2GB Ben Fordham Live
SUBJECTS: Peter Dutton backflipping on international student caps
Transcript - Doorstop
SUBJECTS: Liberals to vote against international student caps; Education legislation.
Interview - ABC Afternoon Briefing
SUBJECTS: Early childhood education wage rise, International student caps, regional banking.
Interview - Daily Aus Podcast
SUBJECTS: Cutting student debt by 20 per cent; Reforms to higher education; Reforms to international education; Better and Fairer Schools Agreement.
Transcript - Press conference
SUBJECTS: Suburban University Study Hubs; International education legislation before the Senate; Housing legislation before the Senate; 15 per cent pay rise for early educators; Public school funding…