Keep up to date using subscriptions

Keep up to date using subscriptions

This site provides RSS feeds to keep you informed of new releases and updates. The RSS feeds are provided in many pre-filtered formats to suit your individual requirements and are listed below.

New to RSS feeds or need assistance? Get assistance with RSS feeds.

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What is RSS and how do I use it?

RSS is a file format that is used to lets you know when a certain website or part of a website (for example latest news areas and blogs) has been updated with new content.

To subscribe to feeds you will need to use feed reader software – sometimes referred to as aggregators or news readers – either in the form of a website or a desktop application on your computer.

Setting up a feed differs from one reader to another, but it generally involves copying the URL of the feed and pasting it into the application.

Useful links to get started

The department is unable to assist with the installation of feed reading software or provide any other support associated with its use.