Release type: Media Release


New Australian Research Council CEO


The Hon Jason Clare MP
Minister for Education

Professor Ute Roessner AM FAA has been appointed by the Australian Research Council (ARC) Board as their new CEO. 

She will serve a five year term as CEO commencing on Monday, 31 March 2025.

Professor Roessner will lead the ARC, under the direction of the Board, to help shape Australian research for the nation’s economic, social, environmental and cultural benefit.

Professor Roessner is currently Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Initiatives and Infrastructure) at the Australian National University and is a renowned biochemist and innovative researcher. 

She also holds a number of advisory board positions at the ANU, including with the Institute for Space, the AgriFood Innovation Institute, the Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility, Microscopy Australia, and ACCESS-NRI.

Professor Roessner was appointed by the Board following a competitive, merit-based recruitment process. 

The Albanese Government last year acted to strengthen the independence of the ARC, including the ARC Board responsible for appointing the CEO as the accountable authority. 

I congratulate Professor Roessner on her appointment.