The Hon Jason Clare MP
- Minister for Education
The Hon Jason Clare MP was sworn in as Minister for Education on 1 June 2022.
Content published on this site relates to the Minister’s responsibilities within the Education portfolio.
Filter Jason Clare's releases
Interview - Sunrise
SUBJECTS: Reserve Bank Review; May Budget; Cheaper Child Care
Media Doorstop - Bankstown, Sydney
SUBJECTS: Cheaper child care; Reserve Bank of Australia; Voice to Parliament; Lidia Thorpe; John Sattler. E&OE
Government receives review of the Australian Research Council
I have received the report of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Act independent review.
More than 300 submissions made to Australian Universities Accord process
More than 300 submissions have been received through the public consultation process to develop the Australian Universities Accord.
Interview - ABC Brisbane
SUBJECT: A national approach to phones in schools
Press Conference - Cheaper Child Care
SUBJECTS: Cheaper Child Care; Education reforms; Phones in schools; Aged care
Interview - ABC Radio
SUBJECTS: OECD Education Report, Voice to Parliament
OECD education report underlines need for serious reform
The release of the OECD’s Education Policy Outlook in Australia further underlines the need for serious education reform in all areas of Australia’s education system.
Boost for student wellbeing in South Australian schools
School students across South Australia will benefit from a boost to funding for mental health and wellbeing projects.
Employers back Australian university graduates
Australian employers have backed the nation’s university graduates, according to the results of the 2022 Employer Satisfaction Survey.
Questions Without Notice - Better and fairer education
Response from Minister Clare to a Question Without Notice in the House of Representatives.
Interview - ABC Afternoon Briefing
SUBJECTS: Expert panel to inform a better and fairer education system; International Students returning to Australia