Release type: Joint Media Release


Tasmania signs on to updated school funding reform agreement


The Hon Jason Clare MP
Minister for Education
The Hon Jo Palmer MLC
Tasmanian Minister for Education

The Albanese Government and the Rockliff Government have signed an updated school funding and reform agreement.

As part of this updated agreement, the Commonwealth will provide an additional 2.5 per cent of the Schooling Resource Standard (SRS) to Tasmanian public schools, lifting the Commonwealth’s share to 25 per cent by 2034.

This adds to the 2.5 per cent increase to take effect over 2025-2026, which was agreed in late 2024.

This update will see around an estimated $83 million in additional Commonwealth funding to Tasmanian public schools over the life of the agreement. 

When combined with the school funding agreement finalised in September last year, the Commonwealth will provide an additional $447 million to Tasmanian public schools over the life of the agreement.

As part of the Agreement, Tasmania has committed to removing the 4 per cent provision of indirect school costs, such as capital depreciation, so that Tasmanian schools will be fully funded by the end the Agreement.

This represents the biggest new investment in Tasmanian public schools by the Australian Government ever. This will be tied to reforms to help more students in public schools keep up, catch up and finish high school.

This includes more individualised support for students, mandating evidenced-based teaching practices and more mental health support in schools.

Funding will be tied to reforms in the Better and Fairer Schools Agreement, including: 

  • Year 1 phonics and early years numeracy checks to identify students in the early years of school who need additional help.
  • Accelerating the implementation of the school-based recommendations of Tasmania’s Lifting Literacy implementation plan, including a minimum schooling guarantee for reading across all schools in Tasmania.
  • Support for students to come to school ready to learn, including greater access to mental health supports.
  • Reducing absence at school by prioritising evidence-based approaches to improving attendance and strengthening re-engagement support programs.
  • Establishing and strengthening relationships and collaboration with Tasmanian Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and First Nations peoples and communities within Tasmania to support increased cultural safety and responsiveness in the Tasmanian education system.
  • Support for VET specialist teachers and piloting incentive packages for attracting staff into remote and regional areas.

This means more help for students and more support for teachers.

This agreement builds on the previous agreement with Tasmania signed last year.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education Jason Clare: 

“This agreement lifts the Commonwealth’s contribution to 25 per cent of the Schooling Resource Standard for Tassie public schools. 

“This investment is tied to real, practical reforms to help students catch up, keep up and finish school.”

Quotes attributable to Tasmanian Minister for Education Jo Palmer:

“This agreement is a huge win for Tasmanian students, which will see Tasmanian schools better off by an extra $83 million in Commonwealth funding over the next 10 years, in addition to record investment from the Tasmanian Liberal Government.

“By signing our original bilateral agreement with the Commonwealth last year, we were able to access funding earlier, while ensuring Tasmania would be no worse off if other States got a better deal.”