Your search returned 413 results.
Next steps in ARC reform announced
Today I announced the next steps in reforming and improving the work of the Australian Research Council (ARC).
Student experience getting better but more work to do
Surveys of Australian universities show that student experience is starting to improve but there is more work to be done.
Centre of Excellence harnesses proteins in Australia’s flora and fauna for multiple benefits
The Assistant Minister for Education, Senator Anthony Chisholm, today launched the Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excell
Celebrating early childhood educators in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
Early childhood services and educators around the nation have been recognised for their innovation in engaging young Australians in inquiry-based learning.
20,000 New University Places to Target Skill Shortages
The Albanese Government will fund 20,000 additional university places to tackle skills shortages and give more students from under-represented …
International Youth Day
To mark International Youth Day, the Albanese Government is recognising the significant contributions of young people in Australia through our commitment to ensure their voices are heard across…
Funding boost for critical youth peak body
The Australian Government is proudly supporting engagement with the nation’s young people by providing the Australian Youth Affairs Coalition (AYAC) with $400,000 in funding.
Cheating websites blocked
Access has been blocked to 40 of the most visited academic cheating websites.
Minister Anne Aly launches sector roundtable tour
This Monday 8th August Minister for Early Childhood Education and Youth Anne Aly will hold the first of six stakeholder roundtable meetings ahead of the Albanese Labor Government’s Jobs and Skills…
Education Ministers to focus on teacher shortage
On 12 August Education Ministers from around the country will meet in Canberra for the first in person Education Ministers meeting in more than a year.
Greater funding to support student equity in higher education
The Australian Government will provide $20.5 million over four years to expand the work of the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE) at Curtin University.
Simpson Prize secured
The Australian Government has confirmed it will invest $910,000 to fund the Simpson Prize for the next four years in recognition of its importance to history education.