Interview - Sky News
SUBJECTS: Bush Summit; International student caps; Palestinian visas
Speech - Bush Summit, Orange
I’m a kid from western Sydney not the Central West. They are very different places.But when it comes to education they have got more in common that you might think.
More microcredential courses upskilling teachers, nurses and engineers
The Albanese Government is delivering more than $10.7 million to higher education providers to provide microcredential cours
Press Conference - Sydney
SUBJECTS: Reforms to International Education; School funding
Interview - ABC Afternoon Briefing
SUBJECTS: International student caps, Budget spending, Federal Government investment in housing
Ensuring First Nations children in Dubbo are school ready
The Albanese Government is expanding the successful Connected Beginnings program, helping more First Nations children get the best start in life.
Improving the sustainability of international education
The Albanese Government is strengthening the integrity and sustainability of the international education sector.
Interview - Sky News Politics Now
SUBJECTS: Schools funding, international students, Independent Parliamentary Standards Commission, Palestinian visas
Transcript - ABC News Breakfast
SUBJECTS: Public school funding, university study hubs, cap on international students, Parliamentary Standards Commission.
Bringing uni closer to home: Applications open for more Regional University Study Hubs
Applications are now open for 10 more Regional University Study Hubs to be established around Australia, giving more students from the regions and the bush access to tertiary education.
Interview - AFR Higher Education Summit
SUBJECTS: International education; Universities Accord; Australian Tertiary Education Commission
Appointment of AITSL CEO
Today I congratulate Mr Tim Bullard on his appointment to the role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL).