The Hon Jason Clare MP
- Minister for Education
The Hon Jason Clare MP was sworn in as Minister for Education on 1 June 2022.
Content published on this site relates to the Minister’s responsibilities within the Education portfolio.
Filter Jason Clare's releases
Interview - Sunrise
SUBJECTS: Wages; Tackling the cost of living; Unidentified balloons over the US; Ed Sheeran.
Questions Without Notice - Literacy and numeracy and NAPLAN
Response from Minister Clare to a Question Without Notice in the House of Representatives.
Countering foreign interference in the higher education sector
The Australian Government has tabled its response to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) report on foreign interference risks to Australia’s higher education and…
Next Step towards Closing the Gap
In a historic moment under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, today the Australian Government will release its second Closing the Gap Implementation Plan, alongside the Coalition of…
Graduate employment rates hit highest level in more than a decade
Australian university graduates are securing full-time employment at a higher rate than at any point since 2009.
Interview - Sky News
SUBJECTS: Cyber security; NAPLAN reform; Coalition opposition to National Reconstruction Fund; Coalition opposition to Housing Australia Future Fund; Voice Referendum; Alice Springs; Aston by-…
Debt wiped for country practice
A doctor or nurse practitioner who lives and works in rural and remote Australia will have their HELP debt wiped under legislation passed today by the Albanese Government.
Press Conference - MOCCA Childcare Centre, Canberra
SUBJECTS: Cheaper Child Care; Productivity Commission Inquiry; Housing affordability; May Budget; Australian shipment of coal to China; US shooting down of balloon; Voice to Parliament…
Productivity Commission inquiry to consider universal early education system
The Australian Government is taking the next step in considering how to build an affordable, accessible, high quality, universal early education system.
Questions Without Notice - Getting children back to school
Response from Minister Clare to a Question Without Notice in the House of Representatives.
Launch of Australia's Economic Accelerator seed grants
New grants are being rolled out to help turn great ideas into commercial opportunities and foster greater collaboration between universities and industry.
Appointment of New Education Department Secretary
I congratulate Mr Tony Cook PSM on his appointment as Secretary of the Department of Education.