Doorstop - Parliament House
SUBJECTS: Bush Summit; ALP National Conference 2023.
Opinion piece - The Daily Telegraph
Australia is the best country in the world. There are lots of reasons for that, but one of the reasons is that we look out for each other.
Interview - ABC News TikTok and Instagram
SUBJECTS: Universities Accord Interim Report; Paid placements; Sexual assault and harassment in universities.
Expert appointed to support safer university campuses
I have appointed Patty Kinnersly to a Working Group that will provide advice on how universities can create safer campuses for students and staff.
Interview - The Daily Aus
SUBJECTS: Housing, Mental Health, Climate Change, Office for Youth, National Youth Consultations, HECs
Interview - Sky AM Agenda
SUBJECTS: Voice to Parliament, University Accord Interim Report, Regional University Hubs.
Doorstop - Fairfield Connect
SUBJECTS: Western Sydney University Fairfield Connect announcement; Universities Accord; School funding; HECS-HELP system; University access and affordability; University Study Hubs; Scholarships for…
Teachers, parents and students have their say on future of school education
Nearly 25,000 teachers, parents, guardians and students have taken part in a national survey to help shape the future of school education.
Ensuring First Nations children are school ready
The Australian Government is working closely with First Nations communities to ensure children are better prepared for school.
Legislation introduced to implement Universities Accord interim report
The Albanese Government is opening the door of opportunity for more Australians by acting on the priority actions of the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report.
Higher Education Support Amendment (Response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report) Bill 2023
In November last year I appointed Professor Mary O'Kane AC to lead the biggest and broadest review of Australia's higher education system in 15 years.
Interview - ABC Afternoon Briefing
SUBJECTS: Use of superannuation for aged care funding, child protection safeguards, protection of high-profile individuals, ABC presence at Woodside protest