Your search returned 339 results.
Speech - NSW Secondary Deputy Principals' Association - 2024 State Conference
Thank you very much, Ryan and Caroline.Let me begin by acknowledging the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet and pay my respects to their elders past and present.
Interview - ABC North West Queensland
SUBJECTS: Country University Centres, connectivity in regional and remote areas, international student caps
Interview - ABC Afternoon Briefing
SUBJECTS: Prime Minister’s 23rd trip to Western Australia; Petter Dutton punching down on Palestinians; Early childhood education workforce pay rise.
Press Conference - Perth
SUBJECTS: Western Australia Schools Funding Agreement; NAPLAN; Resources Sector; Nature Positive Reforms; ASIO Director-General; Youth Justice; Energy Transition; International Trade; CFMEU; Cost of…
Interview - 6PR
SUBJECTS: Fully funding WA public schools; International education reforms; School teacher and principal safety.
Interview - Sky News
SUBJECTS: Bush Summit; International student caps; Palestinian visas
Press Conference - Sydney
SUBJECTS: Reforms to International Education; School funding
Interview - ABC Afternoon Briefing
SUBJECTS: International student caps, Budget spending, Federal Government investment in housing
Interview - Sky News Politics Now
SUBJECTS: Schools funding, international students, Independent Parliamentary Standards Commission, Palestinian visas
Transcript - ABC News Breakfast
SUBJECTS: Public school funding, university study hubs, cap on international students, Parliamentary Standards Commission.
Interview - AFR Higher Education Summit
SUBJECTS: International education; Universities Accord; Australian Tertiary Education Commission
Doorstop - Parliament House
SUBJECTS: Making HECS fairer; Paid Prac; FEE-FREE Uni Ready Courses; Universities Accord; Middle East conflict