Your search returned 843 results.
Boost for student wellbeing in South Australian schools
School students across South Australia will benefit from a boost to funding for mental health and wellbeing projects.
Employers back Australian university graduates
Australian employers have backed the nation’s university graduates, according to the results of the 2022 Employer Satisfaction Survey.
Delivering early childhood education and care services for remote communities
Families in Australia’s most remote locations will benefit from the establishment of new community-run early childhood education and care services.
Northern Territory Youth Engagement in Allied Health
A new initiative to inspire regional and remote First Nations youth to consider an allied health higher education pathway will be rolled out in the Northern Territory.
Inspiring young people from regional and remote Australia to attend university
New targeted outreach initiatives will be rolled out in regional and remote communities across Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria as part of a broader project to inspire young people from…
Questions Without Notice - Better and fairer education
Response from Minister Clare to a Question Without Notice in the House of Representatives.
Interview - ABC Afternoon Briefing
SUBJECTS: Expert panel to inform a better and fairer education system; International Students returning to Australia
Interview - Sky News Afternoon Agenda
SUBJECTS: Expert panel to inform a better and fairer education system; Productivity Commission review into early learning; Universities Accord
Press conference - Expert panel to inform a better and fairer education system
E&EO TRANSCRIPT SUBJECTS: Expert panel to inform a better and fairer education system; Housing Australia Future Fund
Ministerial Statement - Commonwealth Year of Youth
It's a great honour for me to rise today to provide a statement to the House on Australian young people and on the Commonwealth Year of Youth.
Expert panel to inform a better and fairer education system
Today I am announcing the appointment of Dr Lisa O’Brien AM to chair an expert panel that will advise Education Ministers on the key targets and specific reforms that should be tied to funding in the…
Interview - National Nine News Afternoon Edition
SUBJECTS: Expert panel to inform a better and fairer education system; Teacher shortages